Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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BETA cnum 11883
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 10493
Desconocido. Veinte y cuatro coplas las cuales (por mandado del rey don Juan) fueron por Juan de Mena añadidas
Language castellano
Date Escrito 1509-11-23 ad quem
City, library, collection, & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/31352(1)
Imprint Sevilla: Jakob Cromberger, 1512-05-25 (colofón)
Location in witness ff. 96vb-102vb (Dutton)
References (Most recent first) Facsímil digital visto por: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal
Incipits / explicits de: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal
Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 226 , n. A23
Catalogado en: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV I:188 , n. 12MO
Note Ed. )S (Foulché).

Weiss 2013: “Author: Anonymous … Juan II allegedly commissioned Mena to expand the poem from 300 to 365 stanzas; only 24 extra stanzas were written. The learned commentary bears some similarites to Núñez's but is expressly not by him. Generally briefer glosses, supplying learned authorities (some Greek), etymologies, and moral amplification.”
Record Status Created 2014-02-05
Updated 2019-05-14